Friday, July 11, 2014

Navigating Singleness: Finding the Right Spouse through Trusting in God

If you’re a single person, you need to understand something. The word “single” does not mean that you’re not whole; it means separate, unique, and whole. You’re whole and complete in Christ. “So you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ” (Colossians 2:10, TLB). You are not a “half” looking for your other “half.” You don’t want some needy, single person who thinks his or her life is going to be better just because he or she is with you. It takes two “whole” people to make a ‘whole’ marriage.

Now, if you’re single and desire to be married one day, there’s a definite criteria that you should be looking for in a mate. Back in the day, the Church used to preach that God has the perfect mate for you. I don’t believe that, and now I know that’s not true. Joshua 24:15 says, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve… but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

If you have a choice about whom you’re going to serve, you definitely have a choice about whom you’re going to marry! I don’t believe there’s a perfect choice (meaning the only choice you can make) but I do believe there’s a good choice.

The first criteria set by the Bible is that the person be born-again. If you’re a Believer, you should marry another Believer in order to avoid being unequally yoked. “Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 10:6, GW).

Secondly, don’t look for somebody you can live with; look for somebody you don’t want to live without. My wife was somebody I didn’t want to live without. To this day, I tell her, “Baby, you know you all I got!”
A lot of men pray for somebody pretty. “She got to be fine!” But “pretty” and “fine” might turn out to be “ugly” on the inside! The Bible says a man should be asking God for a prudent (wise and understanding), intelligent, wife (Proverbs 19:14, AMP), a woman who can benefit you because of her intuition. Men reason a lot, but women are built with a lot of intuition. There are some things she knows without having to go through the reasoning process. You don’t need a “yes” woman; you need a woman who can talk to you about you! What are you going to do with a woman whose only thing going for her is a weave and makeup? How is that going to help you? That’s going to frustrate you one day.

If you’re a single woman, you need to pray for a husband who is merciful, gracious, and kind. Don’t ask God for a light-skinned or fine man! Even if he’s not all that good looking, he’ll begin to look good to you when he’s merciful, gracious, and kind. A lot of women are single right now because they’re looking for what “looks good” instead of what they need. You want to marry “tall, dark, and handsome,” and when you do, he turns out to be the same way in his spirit—dark!

You can’t go wrong when you put Jesus in the center of everything you do. You’re under the covenant of grace, which is your assurance that the Holy Spirit guides you in all of the affairs of your life—He knows everything about you. He’s your Helper (John 14:26, AMP). When you place your total trust and reliance on Him, He’ll lead you to make a good choice when choosing a marriage partner for life.
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart” (Psalm 37:4, AMP)

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